About Us

Thank you for taking the time to visit our website. We wanted to take this opportunity to share a little about us and our brand. This brand is about so much more than a small business. Our primary focus was to create a product that would help others going through their infertility journey, to provide a way for friends and family members to show their support when actually, from our experience we found that people weren’t really quite sure what to say or how to say it. This is the basis that formed the idea behind our support boxes. A way of saying what you want to say with a gift from the heart.
So, where did Inspired by Isabelle come from? Well, Isabelle is our miracle IVF baby. We were so incredibly lucky to be successful on our first cycle and be blessed with our amazing daughter Isabelle. We had our treatment at Care Fertility in Birmingham, West Midlands. The team there are truly amazing and we will forever be grateful to them for helping us complete our little family.
One of the many things that sticks out from our IVF journey was one of the first times we visited the clinic and seeing the sign on the way to the waiting room, 26,000 Care Babies. I remember thinking, wow! That is such an incredible number of families that have had their dreams come true and hoping that we would be lucky enough to be joining them!
Fast forward 4 years to 2022, we have a 3.5 year old (still can’t quite believe it!), that number still sticks in my head, although now they have helped over 50,000 babies be born. I don’t want our journey to be just a number, I want our journey and our experiences to help others and that thought is where our brand Inspired By Isabelle came from.
Something I have really struggled with and have still not really dealt with is our embryo loss, this very much feels like a taboo subject. We had to make the decision about what we wanted to happen with our frozen embryos. For us further cycles were not an option after Isabelle was born and just as when we had our transfer and we thought of that little embaby as just that, a baby, so were our other embryos that we had frozen. We had to make the heart wrenching decision to have them destroyed as the thought of leaving them in storage knowing we weren’t going to use them just didn’t feel right, at the same time though, these 3 little embryos were also our babies and I know we can’t be the only ones to have been in a similar situation yet it is something that doesn’t get talked about.
More support is needed and this is where we want to help!
From the sale of our fertility treatment support boxes, we will donate 10% of those profits to (charity tbc)
Another subject very close to our hearts is baby loss. My best friend very tragically lost her little boy, when he was just 2.5 weeks old, James Nicholas, after in depth discussions with her, we have worked together to come up with a support box for supporting families that have to go through the unimaginable pain that comes from losing a child. A pain that no parent should ever have to go through.
So, in loving memory of James Nicholas, we also have available our Baby Loss Support Box, from the sale of these boxes we will donate 10% of the profits to The Lullaby Trust who provide an incredible support to those parents that need it. Their website is The Lullaby Trust – Safer sleep for babies, Support for families